84th Railsplitters Association
An Association of 84th Division
Service Men and Women

“The Railsplitters”

Our Heritage :

The “Lincoln Country Division ,

The Railsplitters”

Bulletin 2024 Dining Out Pictures are here! See the Events Page Coming Up 14 September: A Railsplitters Association Day
Golf in the Morning, Party & Eats in the Evening
Colonel's Cup Golf Outing Colonel's Cup Annual Steak/Chicken Cookout Grill Donations are needed for
Door Prizes and Silent Auction
Email donation information to:
If donating and not attending,
contact any Board Member for donation pick-up
See the Events Page
Our SECURE Padlock Icon website: https//84thrailsplitters.com

84th Railsplitters 84th Logo Facebook Page


What AI can do for POTUS 16

Abraham Lincoln - 5 February 1865
Two Months and Ten Days later,
he succumbed to an assassin's bullet.
A smile despite the turmoil
If he had lived to an older age
The young contemporary look
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